I ponder that the people editing the recordings don't know which differing pronunciations are due to Black English dialect and which are not, so they err on the side of not correcting at all.

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Whoa, John! You are so brave to tackle this peeve! Loved it.

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Unlike Dr. McWhorter, I’ve heard the name of the animal itself pronounced “jag-wire” /ˈd͡ʒæɡwɑːɪɹ/ — a clear example can be heard on YouTube at https://youtu.be/93UQ7nC4nuQ?si=u7sw3pWUoh6uYKyG (timestamp 3:32-3:33), where the narrator discusses the Aztecs’ cross-breeding experiments involving the attempted hybridization of “jagwires” with pumas.

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Oh, John! "Seuil" is French for "threshold". The word for a bucket is "seau", which rhymes with "beau(x)".

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Terrific episode. Appreciate you tackling this sensitive cultural issue.

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Here in Indiana I often hear the name of the Jacksonville football team pronounced the way you say the name of the car is pronounced - jag-wires.

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