Lexicon Valley from Booksmart Studios
Lexicon Valley from Booksmart Studios
JFK's Most Famous Sentence

JFK's Most Famous Sentence

John McWhorter analyzes the profoundly resonant "Ask not" line, word for word.

On Jan. 20, 1961, President John F. Kennedy delivered — to an audience seated both outside at the U.S. Capitol and at home in front of their televisions — his inaugural address. Millions were stirred that afternoon by the rousing line: And so, my fellow Americans — ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Every part of that exhortation, as John McWhorter explains, is a fascinating linguistic lesson.

Lexicon Valley from Booksmart Studios
Lexicon Valley from Booksmart Studios
A podcast about language, with host John McWhorter.